Thursday, September 27, 2007

Can You Prove An Axiom?

Several days ago I spent a lot of time and effort trying to convince my system administrators that it’s not possible to change computer account’s password in MS Active Directory 2003 using nmap. Their main argument was that Microsoft Premium Support’s consultant said that it is possible!

Well, I posted this as joke but I would never think, that it can concern me directly. Of course, there were smart guys that realized words: “nmap is port scanning tool that doesn’t try to guess password”, so thanks a lot to them, but it’s really pity that I was ought to spend time and nerves to prove this axiom not only to highly-skilled administrators, but also to Microsoft Premium Support’s consultant. It’s very sad truth, and unfortunately I see no future with such IT.


Igor Gots said...

Unfortunately, system administrator and security administrator work in different worlds and with different things.
Some time ago i had chance to talk with engineer which have good public opinion. This engineer have been trying to prove me, that it is not possible to recovery passwords from Microsoft Windows...

Sergey Soldatov said...

Was he Russian Microsoft support engineer? Unfortunately we, customers, judge about Company by its employees... Such engineers dishonor their Companies!